Month: February 2018

Finding Happily Ever After in Your Marriage

Finding Happily Ever After in Your Marriage

Many people hope that one day they will be lucky enough to get married and build their ideal future with a partner that will be with them for the rest of their life. Some recent research indicates that married people are more satisfied with their…

How On-again/Off-again Romantic Relationships Can Be Harmful To Your Future

How On-again/Off-again Romantic Relationships Can Be Harmful To Your Future

Have you ever wondered why someone has a pattern of breaking-up and getting back together with their romantic partner? Although rekindling a relationship that you once had may be comfortable and familiar, it also poses detrimental consequences for future relationship stability. In a time where…

My Partner Cheated On Me: Should I Leave or Should I Stay?

My Partner Cheated On Me: Should I Leave or Should I Stay?

Many things in life require people to decide between two or more options. Some decisions may be small, while others can change your life dramatically. Yet, in the end it’s how you react to your choices that makes all the difference. Recently, our research team…

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You: Post Heartbreak Social Media Creeping

Can’t Take My Eyes Off You: Post Heartbreak Social Media Creeping

In May 1967 a song credited to Frankie Vallie the lead singer of the band The Four Seasons released a song called “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” which quickly shot up to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 for that week. Some words in…