Tag: Decision-Making

A Review of “The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance”

A Review of “The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance”

In today’s digital age, couples are increasingly meeting via online, rather than relying on introductions from friends, family, or social events. Without the barriers of physical proximity, individuals seeking romantic relationships can tap into a bottomless pool of potential partners. That means, who we are…

Turning Away From Connection: The Impact of Pornography

Turning Away From Connection: The Impact of Pornography

Is pornography use harmful to relationships? An ever growing body of research indicates that pornography poses a substantial threat to individuals, couples, families, and society. Many studies conclude that a major impact of pornography is that it causes individuals to turn away from connection in…

Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood 2023 Conference

Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood 2023 Conference

On June 15th through 17th, Dr. Sibley, Stephanie Lipira, Jessica Lopez, Katherine Smail, and myself had the pleasure of presenting some of our research at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA) 2023 Conference in San Diego, California, at the Hyatt Regency Mission…

How Traumatic Experiences Can Impact Future Relationships

How Traumatic Experiences Can Impact Future Relationships

Going into any new relationship can be pretty scary. But have you ever thought about what going into a new relationship may look like for someone who has gone through trauma in a past relationship? Whether that trauma was related to domestic violence, sexual abuse,…

Are You Staying in Your Relationship for Your Partner’s Sake?

Are You Staying in Your Relationship for Your Partner’s Sake?

There are times when one partner in a relationship wants to leave, but is simply afraid of hurting their partner’s feelings, or scared of what life may be like outside of a now-comfortable relationship. Maybe this is you, or a close friend, but whoever it…

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I dating a narcissist? The question that many romantic partners avoid at all costs. You may relate to this avoidance as you have found yourself many times afraid to let yourself fully answer this question. Or maybe the word narcissist is new to you.…

How to Tell Your Romantic Partner “I Need Space”

How to Tell Your Romantic Partner “I Need Space”

How to tell your romantic partner, “I need space”- a phrase that typically sounds the alarm sirens in a romantic relationship. Have you ever found yourself in a romantic relationship where you feel oddly suspicious about how well things are going? You can feel the…

Is It My Fault? When a Romantic Partner is a Cheater

Is It My Fault? When a Romantic Partner is a Cheater

Cheating, the word no one wants to hear in a romantically committed relationship. Finding out that your romantic partner cheated on you can leave you feeling completely blindsided. You may find yourself feeling paralyzed as questions about what went wrong flood your mind. Many will…

Where is This Relationship Headed? When One Romantic Partner is More Committed

Where is This Relationship Headed? When One Romantic Partner is More Committed

Many of us have a difficult relationship story that we could share. Unfortunately one of the traits of many modern romantic relationships is ambiguity. Many people find that they are riding along with a romantic partner that is less committed and invested in the relationship…

Are Fluctuations in Commitment Normal in Romantic Relationships?

Are Fluctuations in Commitment Normal in Romantic Relationships?

Fluctuations are often a normal occurrence in romantic relationships. In fact, fluctuation can occur in even the most flourishing and healthy relationships. When a relationship feels flat, this can provide couples with a time to reassess their priorities and find ways to strengthen their relationship.…

Getting Comfortable with Labels: An Argument for Defining Your Relationship

Getting Comfortable with Labels: An Argument for Defining Your Relationship

In her book The Defining Decade, Meg Jay, PhD, describes the twenties as “the critical period of adulthood”. She points out that it is only within the past hundred years that this new developmental season has come about. People used to go straight from being…

Reasons to Stay and Reasons to Go: Deciding Whether to Continue a Relationship

Reasons to Stay and Reasons to Go: Deciding Whether to Continue a Relationship

Central to life is decision-making. Each day we face a variety of decisions, and some of these decisions can have a substantial impact on our happiness and our relationships. Accompanying these decisions are often pressures that we feel from family, friends, romantic partners, and our…

We’re Engaged! Deciding to Commit for the Right Reasons

We’re Engaged! Deciding to Commit for the Right Reasons

My proposal was from my childhood dreams! My fiancé proposed in front of Cinderella’s Castle at Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom. It was a moment I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life. However, the journey to my engagement and dream marriage…

Resilient Commitment: Overcoming the Intergenerational Effects of Parental Divorce

Resilient Commitment: Overcoming the Intergenerational Effects of Parental Divorce

I still remember the phone call like it was yesterday. As I was preparing to leave for the university on a warm September morning in 2015, I received an unexpected call from my mother. In a very emotional conversation, she shared the devastating news that…

Is It Too Late To Leave? Feeling Stuck In A Relationship With No Future

Is It Too Late To Leave? Feeling Stuck In A Relationship With No Future

Dating and forming romantic relationships during the age of ambiguity can be incredibly confusing, especially if your romantic partner seems uninterested in a committed relationship. As a research team we have had frequent discussions about the missed opportunities (see here and here), and emotional toll…

How On-again/Off-again Romantic Relationships Can Be Harmful To Your Future

How On-again/Off-again Romantic Relationships Can Be Harmful To Your Future

Have you ever wondered why someone has a pattern of breaking-up and getting back together with their romantic partner? Although rekindling a relationship that you once had may be comfortable and familiar, it also poses detrimental consequences for future relationship stability. In a time where…

My Partner Cheated On Me: Should I Leave or Should I Stay?

My Partner Cheated On Me: Should I Leave or Should I Stay?

Many things in life require people to decide between two or more options. Some decisions may be small, while others can change your life dramatically. Yet, in the end it’s how you react to your choices that makes all the difference. Recently, our research team…

More Potential Regret from Missed Romantic Opportunities than from Rejection

More Potential Regret from Missed Romantic Opportunities than from Rejection

As humans we have a natural desire to feel that we belong, and we find social acceptance to be significantly rewarding and social rejection to be considerably threatening. I think this is especially true for emerging adults (18-29 years-old). In my experience, emerging adults are…