Tag: Love

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I dating a narcissist? The question that many romantic partners avoid at all costs. You may relate to this avoidance as you have found yourself many times afraid to let yourself fully answer this question. Or maybe the word narcissist is new to you.…

How to Tell Your Romantic Partner “I Need Space”

How to Tell Your Romantic Partner “I Need Space”

How to tell your romantic partner, “I need space”- a phrase that typically sounds the alarm sirens in a romantic relationship. Have you ever found yourself in a romantic relationship where you feel oddly suspicious about how well things are going? You can feel the…

When Does the Nightmare End? Intimate Partner Violence Recovery

When Does the Nightmare End? Intimate Partner Violence Recovery

When does the nightmare end? What is the path to intimate partner violence recovery? These are questions many intimate partner violence survivors find themselves wondering over and over again as they struggle to put the pieces of their lives back together after years of abuse.…

COVID-19: Dating in a Socially Distanced and Masked World

COVID-19: Dating in a Socially Distanced and Masked World

COVID-19 dating, a phrase we never could have imagined on New Year’s Day. Flashback to January 1st, 2020. You may have found yourself surrounded by family as you welcomed the new opportunities and challenges that would arise in 2020. Or maybe you found yourself on…

Seeking and Finding Fairness in Couple and Family Relationships

Seeking and Finding Fairness in Couple and Family Relationships

Throughout the course of our lives, we all experience violations of love, trust, and loyalty, and there are certainly times we may feel that our relationships are unfair. Like commitment, I have often wondered what the implications would be for our relationships, our families, and…

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

Having a partner that is honest and committed to their romantic relationship is an expectation that many people have, but research indicates that individuals do not always hold themselves to that same standard. Personally, I have always thought of myself as an honest person. I…

Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice

Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice

On Valentine’s Day a few years ago, I was asked by my wife to go pick up a couple of extra items at our local supermarket for our family Valentine’s dinner. As I entered the store I was a bit startled by the scene before…