Tag: Dating

A Review of “The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance”

A Review of “The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance”

In today’s digital age, couples are increasingly meeting via online, rather than relying on introductions from friends, family, or social events. Without the barriers of physical proximity, individuals seeking romantic relationships can tap into a bottomless pool of potential partners. That means, who we are…

Is This a Dealbreaker? How to Detect and Respond to Red Flags in a Romantic Partner

Is This a Dealbreaker? How to Detect and Respond to Red Flags in a Romantic Partner

Is this a red flag that I observed in a potential romantic partner? Is her excessive spending or his substance use a dealbreaker? I (Aleisha) recently got out of a serious, long-term relationship with someone who I knew deep down was not right for me,…

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I Dating A Narcissist?: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Am I dating a narcissist? The question that many romantic partners avoid at all costs. You may relate to this avoidance as you have found yourself many times afraid to let yourself fully answer this question. Or maybe the word narcissist is new to you.…

COVID-19: Dating in a Socially Distanced and Masked World

COVID-19: Dating in a Socially Distanced and Masked World

COVID-19 dating, a phrase we never could have imagined on New Year’s Day. Flashback to January 1st, 2020. You may have found yourself surrounded by family as you welcomed the new opportunities and challenges that would arise in 2020. Or maybe you found yourself on…

How Fathers Influence Their Daughters’ Romantic Relationships

How Fathers Influence Their Daughters’ Romantic Relationships

The research literature is becoming increasingly clear about the substantial importance of fathers in the lives of their children. Unfortunately, far too many children in the United States and throughout the world experience father loss. As discussed previously on this blog, father loss can negatively…

You Rejected Me For Someone Else? Why Some Rejections Feel Worse

You Rejected Me For Someone Else? Why Some Rejections Feel Worse

In romantic relationships, being rejected by a romantic partner for someone else can be one of the worst pains that an individual can experience. This is a heart-wrenching feeling and may lead people to question their self worth, confidence, the intentions of previous partners, as…

Reasons to Stay and Reasons to Go: Deciding Whether to Continue a Relationship

Reasons to Stay and Reasons to Go: Deciding Whether to Continue a Relationship

Central to life is decision-making. Each day we face a variety of decisions, and some of these decisions can have a substantial impact on our happiness and our relationships. Accompanying these decisions are often pressures that we feel from family, friends, romantic partners, and our…

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Ghosting in Romantic Relationships

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Ghosting in Romantic Relationships

Not only has the advent of smartphones and social media substantially changed the dating landscape, this technology has also made it much easier to get in and out of relationships. Certain features in smartphones and social media (Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) allow an individual to…

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

Having a partner that is honest and committed to their romantic relationship is an expectation that many people have, but research indicates that individuals do not always hold themselves to that same standard. Personally, I have always thought of myself as an honest person. I…

Can’t Swipe Me Love? Recent Research on Tinder and Romance

Can’t Swipe Me Love? Recent Research on Tinder and Romance

Can swiping on Tinder lead to long-term romantic love? As a research team we have wondered about this idea, as have others such as the author in this New York Times article. Recently our team read a new research article entitled Swiping Me Off My…

A Review of “Modern Romance” by: Aziz Ansari

A Review of “Modern Romance” by: Aziz Ansari

Writing as an emerging adult in today’s society, it can be stressful when thinking about the future. Not only am I concerned with finding a stable career, I’m constantly being questioned about my love life by friends and family. After reading various research articles, it’s…