Tag: Dealbreakers

On Again, Off Again: Is This Really Healthy for Us?

On Again, Off Again: Is This Really Healthy for Us?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you have been with your partner, then broken up, and then gotten back together? Have you both done this more than once? If you have, you are experiencing something called “relationship cycling,” also known as an “on…

Is This a Dealbreaker? How to Detect and Respond to Red Flags in a Romantic Partner

Is This a Dealbreaker? How to Detect and Respond to Red Flags in a Romantic Partner

Is this a red flag that I observed in a potential romantic partner? Is her excessive spending or his substance use a dealbreaker? I (Aleisha) recently got out of a serious, long-term relationship with someone who I knew deep down was not right for me,…

If They Cheated Before, Will They Cheat Again?

If They Cheated Before, Will They Cheat Again?

Generally, when one enters into a romantic relationship, above all else, monogamy and fidelity are expected. Usually it is unspoken, but most times it is understood. Yet, as research has shown, infidelity is quite common especially in unmarried relationships. Recently our research team read a…