Tag: Parenting

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Romantic Relationships

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Romantic Relationships

As we have discussed continually on this blog, technology is impacting the formation and maintenance of relationships. Today’s adolescents have increasing access to technology, including social media, potentially influencing their social and emotional growth. Peer relationships typically flourish during this stage, including forming romantic relationships.…

The Essential Nature of Family Dinner

The Essential Nature of Family Dinner

Family dinner is essential when members come together at the end of their day with the ones they love. Lasting memories from couples, children, and families are made during these times that will span years to come with favorite meals and traditions. With parent’s and…

Mindfulness and Gratitude from Romantic Relationships through the Parenthood Years

Mindfulness and Gratitude from Romantic Relationships through the Parenthood Years

Every day I try to think about how I can make meaningful changes in my parenting to help improve how my child approaches the world. What will help him establish meaningful relationships? How can I help him learn to cope with any problems he may…

Communicating Key Truths About Marriage and the Family in the University Classroom

Communicating Key Truths About Marriage and the Family in the University Classroom

As an assistant professor in Human Development and Family Sciences at Northern Illinois University, I have the unique opportunity to teach upcoming generations about marriage and family relationships. But teaching about these subjects can be demanding, and I often feel like I am at the front…

Are You a Strong Link in Your Relationships?

Are You a Strong Link in Your Relationships?

Are you a weak link or a strong link in your relationships? That’s a rhetorical question that one might ask themselves after reading one of the latest research articles published by Scott Stanley and colleagues. Asymmetrical commitment represents a new—and I might add one of…