Tag: Resilience

How to Break the Cycle of Generational Trauma

How to Break the Cycle of Generational Trauma

Trauma can have a substantial impact not only on individuals, but on families through the generations. I (Julie) often think about the difference it would have made in my childhood had my grandfather worked out his trauma after World War II (WWII). I have a…

How Traumatic Experiences Can Impact Future Relationships

How Traumatic Experiences Can Impact Future Relationships

Going into any new relationship can be pretty scary. But have you ever thought about what going into a new relationship may look like for someone who has gone through trauma in a past relationship? Whether that trauma was related to domestic violence, sexual abuse,…

When Does the Nightmare End? Intimate Partner Violence Recovery

When Does the Nightmare End? Intimate Partner Violence Recovery

When does the nightmare end? What is the path to intimate partner violence recovery? These are questions many intimate partner violence survivors find themselves wondering over and over again as they struggle to put the pieces of their lives back together after years of abuse.…