Author: Lexi DeHart

Heart to Heart: Emotional Expression in Romantic Relationships

Heart to Heart: Emotional Expression in Romantic Relationships

Communication is a vital aspect of every relationship. Being open and having the ability to communicate with our partners is extremely important when building a healthy relationship. Emotional expression, availability, and communication skills regarding emotions are strong predictors of relationship satisfaction (Bloch et al., 2014).…

“Honey, I’m Home”: When a Romantic Partner Returns From Deployment

“Honey, I’m Home”: When a Romantic Partner Returns From Deployment

There is no better feeling than welcoming home your service members from deployment. Months, days, hours, and minutes all counting down to the moment you get to hug them. A lot of stress releases and you are able to take a deep breath again. While…

Navigating Military Relationships: How to Feel Connected While Hundreds of Miles Away

Navigating Military Relationships: How to Feel Connected While Hundreds of Miles Away

Have you ever been in a military relationship, or found yourself, a civilian, considering getting romantically involved with a military service member? If your answer is yes, or you’re intrigued by the idea, you may have many questions about the unique challenges military relationships face.…