Tag: Decision-Making

Just Married! A Newlywed’s Perspective on Marriage and Commitment

Just Married! A Newlywed’s Perspective on Marriage and Commitment

As emerging adults leave high school and enter college, the idea of commitment and marriage may not seem like a priority. So many emerging adults have this notion that your college years are the time to party, experiment, and just have fun, rather than be…

If They Cheated Before, Will They Cheat Again?

If They Cheated Before, Will They Cheat Again?

Generally, when one enters into a romantic relationship, above all else, monogamy and fidelity are expected. Usually it is unspoken, but most times it is understood. Yet, as research has shown, infidelity is quite common especially in unmarried relationships. Recently our research team read a…

A Review of “Fighting for Your Marriage” By: Markman, Stanley, and Blumberg

A Review of “Fighting for Your Marriage” By: Markman, Stanley, and Blumberg

Although first published in 1994, Fighting for Your Marriage by Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley, and Susan L. Blumberg is just as relevant today as when the book was first released. Back in May, there were eight members of our research team who were…

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

A Review of “Love Me True” By: Jason B. Whiting

Having a partner that is honest and committed to their romantic relationship is an expectation that many people have, but research indicates that individuals do not always hold themselves to that same standard. Personally, I have always thought of myself as an honest person. I…

Time to Hookup? Expectations of First Semester College Students

Time to Hookup? Expectations of First Semester College Students

With the fall semester quickly approaching, incoming freshmen throughout the United States are preparing to attend college for the first time. When I started college many of my friends were excited to meet guys and have “no strings attached” relationships. It seems like many college…

Are You a Strong Link in Your Relationships?

Are You a Strong Link in Your Relationships?

Are you a weak link or a strong link in your relationships? That’s a rhetorical question that one might ask themselves after reading one of the latest research articles published by Scott Stanley and colleagues. Asymmetrical commitment represents a new—and I might add one of…