Tag: Ghosting

Ghosting and Other Breakup Strategies: How to Recover from a Relationship Dead End

Ghosting and Other Breakup Strategies: How to Recover from a Relationship Dead End

You may find it surprising to hear that according to a 2021 YouGov study, 41% of Americans reported to possess some belief in ghosts or spirits of the supernatural. While a discussion of those statistics is beyond the scope of this article, for those of…

Ghosting: The Romantic Relationship Disappearing Act

Ghosting: The Romantic Relationship Disappearing Act

If ghosts are not real, then why do I keep getting ghosted? Previously on this blog we have discussed ghosting, which has often been defined as a verb that involves ending a romantic relationship by abruptly cutting off all contact and ignoring any communication attempts…

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Ghosting in Romantic Relationships

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Ghosting in Romantic Relationships

Not only has the advent of smartphones and social media substantially changed the dating landscape, this technology has also made it much easier to get in and out of relationships. Certain features in smartphones and social media (Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) allow an individual to…